The seminar of the OCTD takes place at 8:30 in room B3-38, in the Faculty building at ul. Umultowska 87 in Poznań.
Since 2010, also on Tuesdays at 10:00 a seminar in nonlinear analysis, conducted by prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski, is also held.
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars:
Jerzy Grzybowski
Application of MRH spaces to crystal growth description
Paweł Suplicki
Using Octave application to display 2D and 3D graphics
Jerzy Grzybowski
Generalized Demyanov's Difference of Convex Sets
Paweł Suplicki
Convex hull finding algorithm
Ryszard Urbański
Infinite exhausters of convex sets
Jerzy Grzybowski
Generalization of Demyanov's difference
Paweł Suplicki
Convex hull finding algorithm
prof. UZ dr hab. Krzysztof Przesławski
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Góra
Self-dual convex bodies
The seminar is going to take place at 11:00 in B3-38.
prof. UZ dr hab. Krzysztof Przesławski
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Góra
On the decomposability of the set of positive-semidefinite normalized matrices
Professor David Yost
(University of Ballarat, Australia)
Norm one projections in Banach spaces
On all of the familiar Banach spaces, it is very easy to write down a formula which defines a norm one (linear) projection. This is not true for arbitrary Banach spaces. The following rough trichotomy indicates the range of behaviour.
The seminar is going to take place at 10:00 in B3-38.
Xiao-Xiong Gan
(Mathematics Department, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA)
Formal Power Series and the Boundary Convergence of Power Series
The behaviour of power series on boundary of convergence domain has been an interesting topic since power series was introduced. For example,
converges on but diverges at
, and
diverges at both
. The composition of formal power series has been an important part of the formal power series theory. We introduce some relationship between these two subjects and provide a condition for convergence of a power series at every point in its interval of convergence, including endpoints or boundary points.
Xiao-Xiong Gan
(Mathematics Department, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA)
Composition and Generalized Composition of Formal Power Series
Given two formal power series
the composition has been a very interesting topic for many years, where
is called the nonunit. If
, such a composition
is called the generalized composition if it exists. We introduce the history of these two compositions and some results of them. Both of them are applied widely although the generalized composition is much younger than the regular one.
The seminar will take place at 9:00.
The joint seminar of the Optimization and Control Theory Department and the Department of Theory of Function Spaces will take place at 13:30 in room A1-33.
Mahide Kucuk
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey
Construction and Some Properties of a Total Ordering Cone and Scalarization and Vectorization Using This Cone
Yalcin Kucuk
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey
Weak Conjugacy of Scalar and Set Valued Maps and Weak
Conjugate Duality of Non-convex Scalar and Vector Optimization Problems
Timothy Myers
(Department of Mathematics, Howard University, Washington, D.C., USA)
Some Applications of the Sequence: 1, 5, 22, 93, 386,... to Dyck Paths and Ordered Trees.
The integer sequence starting: 1, 5, 22, 93, 386,... occurs in a variety of situations involving Dyck paths, grand Dyck paths, and ordered trees. We will discuss some new and some known connections, and in particular explore the enumeration of vertices in ordered trees by height using generating functions and the equation.
The seminar has been cancelled.
prof. UZ dr hab. Krzysztof Przesławski
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Góra
Sets of constant width
During the seminar we will recall the definition of a set of constant width. Furthermore, we will provide some properties of the above-mentioned sets. All the presented results will be illustrated by examples.
The seminar is taking place at 11:30 in room A2-22.
Jakub Bielawski
Embedding theorem for fuzzy sets.
During the seminar we introduce and study new fuzzy algebraic operations: -sum and scalar
-multiplication defined by
where are fuzzy subsets and
. This allows us to investigate a new definition of fuzzy convexity.
The seminar will take place in room A2-22 at 11:30.
Jerzy Grzybowski
On finite exhausters
The seminar will take place in room A2-22 at 11.30
We will introduce the notion of a shadowing set, which is a generalization of the notion of separating set to the family of more than two sets. Then we will give a criterion for an upper exhauster to be an exhauster of sublinear function as well as the criterion for minimality of finite upper exhauster.
Ryszard Urbański
On some applications of Simons' Theorem
During the seminar we will discuss a few theorems concerning the extension of functionals. Moreover, we will indicate possible applications of the above-mentioned results to convex analysis.
Ryszard Urbański
Some remarks on the Hahn-Banach theorem
The seminar is taking place at 11:30 in room A2-22.
(Continuation of the 2011-01-04 and 2011-03-22 Seminars).
dr Magdalena Łysakowska
Decomposition of into unit balls
The seminar is taking place at 11:30.
prof. UZ dr hab. Krzysztof Przesławski
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Góra
Finitely additive measures
It will be demonstrated that numerous operations over convex sets induce linear or multiliear mappings on vector spaces spanned by characteristic functions of such sets. A theorem of McMullen, Pukhlikov and Khovanskii on polynomial finite measures on polyhedra will be discussed as an application.
The seminar is taking place at 11:30.
Marcin Borkowski
On some properties of almost periodic functions
(Continuation of the 2011-01-11, 2011-01-18 and 2011-03-01 seminars).
Jerzy Grzybowski
Geometry of convex surfaces
The convex seminar is taking place at 11:30 in room A2-22.
Hubert Przybycień
On the completeness of the Minkowski-Radström-Hörmander space
(Continuation of the 2011-02-22 Seminar).
Marcin Borkowski
On some properties of almost periodic functions
(Continuation of the 2011-01-11 and 2011-01-18 seminars).
Hubert Przybycień
On the completeness of the Minkowski-Radström-Hörmander space
The aim of the talk is to prove the completeness of the Minkowski-Radström-Hörmander space endowed with a certain metric.
Marcin Borkowski
On some properties of almost periodic functions
(Continuation of the 2011-01-11 Seminar).
Marcin Borkowski
On some properties of almost periodic functions
During the talk we will present a construction of certain uniformity on a given topological group G. It turns out that the class of (real or complex) uniformly continuous functions with respect to this uniformity coincides with the class of Bohr almost periodic functions on G. The talk is based on the paper of E. M. Alfsen and P. Holm A note on compact representations and almost periodicity in topological groups, Math. Scand. 10 (1962), 127-136.