2009-03-24 Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **Spaces with abstract polyhedra and fixed points** (Continuation of the [[2009-03-10 . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2009-03-25 18:30 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2009-10-27 Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On some properties of $$\mathbb{R}$$-trees and a generalization of them** (Continuation . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2009-10-07 11:17 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2010-04-13 Seminar
[[Jerzy Grzybowski]] **On the embedding of the cone of convex sets in the MRH cone** (Continuation of . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-03-27 10:21 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2010-04-20 Seminar
[[Jerzy Grzybowski]] **On the embedding of the cone of convex sets in the MRH cone** (Continuation of . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-04-15 13:02 UTC autorstwa d78-233.icpnet.pl
2010-10-19 Seminar
[[Daria Bugajewska]] **On superposition operators in spaces of functions of bounded variations with applications . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-10-14 10:02 UTC autorstwa d68-136.icpnet.pl
2010-11-23 Seminar
[[Jerzy Grzybowski]] **On extremal subsets** (Continuation of the [[2010-10-26 Seminar|2010-10-26]] and . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-11-18 20:05 UTC autorstwa d68-136.icpnet.pl
2010-12-07 Nonlinear Seminar
Marcin Wachowiak **A fixed point theorem for mappings satisfying the interior condition** (Continuation . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-12-07 20:52 UTC autorstwa pio
2011-01-11 Nonlinear Seminar
Marcin Wachowiak **A fixed point theorem for mappings satisfying the interior condition** (Continuation . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-01-12 23:41 UTC autorstwa pio
2011-03-01 Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On some properties of almost periodic functions** (Continuation of the [[2011-01-11 . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-03-16 18:25 UTC autorstwa pio
2011-03-15 Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On some properties of almost periodic functions** (Continuation of the [[2011-01-11 . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-03-16 18:30 UTC autorstwa pio
2011-03-22 Nonlinear Seminar
Joanna Wypych **Formal power series** (Continuation of the [[2011-01-18 Nonlinear Seminar|2011-01-18]] . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-03-16 21:37 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2011-04-12 Nonlinear Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On formal power series** (Continuation of the [[2010-12-21 Nonlinear Seminar|2010-12-21]] . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-03-16 21:51 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2011-04-12 Seminar
[[Ryszard Urbański]] **Some remarks on the Hahn-Banach theorem** The seminar is taking place at **11:30** . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-04-05 11:33 UTC autorstwa Jędrzej Sadowski
2011-05-24 Nonlinear Seminar
Joanna Wypych **On superposition of formal power series** (Continuation of the [[2011-05-10 Nonlinear . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-05-10 10:21 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2011-10-18 Nonlinear Seminar
Adam Burchardt **Schauder fixed point, revisited** (Continuation of the [[2011-10-11 Nonlinear Seminar|2011-10-11]] . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-10-13 08:46 UTC autorstwa pio
2011-10-25 Nonlinear Seminar
Adam Burchardt **Schauder fixed point, revisited** (Continuation of the [[2011-10-18 Nonlinear Seminar|2011-10-18]], . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2011-10-29 13:16 UTC autorstwa pio
2012-12-04 Nonlinear Seminar
Piotr Maćkowiak **The existence of surplus demand function zeros** (Continuation of the [[2012-10-09 . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2012-11-27 17:30 UTC autorstwa JS
2017-02-28 Nonlinear Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On some metric spaces** (Continuation of the seminars from [[2016-10-04 Nonlinear . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2017-02-27 18:16 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2017-03-21 Nonlinear Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On some metric spaces** (Continuation of the seminars from [[2016-10-04 Nonlinear . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2017-03-14 11:07 UTC autorstwa pn0070605.sci.wmi.amu.edu.pl
2017-05-09 Nonlinear Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On $$q^\lambda$$-hyperconvex quasi-metric spaces** (Continuation of the seminars . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2017-05-07 10:44 UTC autorstwa d91-242.icpnet.pl
2017-05-16 Nonlinear Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On $$q^\lambda$$-hyperconvex quasi-metric spaces** (Continuation of the seminars . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2017-05-09 09:23 UTC autorstwa pn0070605.sci.wmi.amu.edu.pl
2018-02-27 Nonlinear Seminar
Michał Wojtal **Introduction to stochastic integral** (Continuation of the seminars from [[2018-01-16 . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2018-03-13 08:55 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2018-03-13 Nonlinear Seminar
[[Marcin Borkowski]] **On partial metric spaces** (Continuation of the [[2017-11-28 Nonlinear Seminar|2017-11-28]] . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2018-03-13 08:52 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2018-03-27 Nonlinear Seminar
Michał Wojtal **Introduction to stochastic integral** (Continuation of the seminars from [[2018-01-16 . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2018-03-25 17:06 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2018-04-24 Nonlinear Seminar
Ruidong Wang **On isometric extension problem on the unit sphere of normed spaces** (Continuation of . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2018-04-20 08:08 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
2018-05-08 Nonlinear Seminar
Michał Wojtal **Introduction to stochastic integral** (Continuation of the seminars from [[2018-01-16 . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2018-04-24 09:14 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
* [[Optimization and Control Theory Dept|Home page]] * [[People]] * [[Seminars]] * [[Polski]] . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2021-03-15 10:06 UTC autorstwa
Nonlinear Seminar
The **Nonlinear seminar** of the OCTD is held on **Tuesdays** at **10:00 am** in room **B3-49**, in the . . .
2K - ostatnio zmieniane 2021-03-15 10:08 UTC autorstwa
Nonlinear Seminars in 2010
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2010: <journal 999 "^2010-\d\d-\d\d_Nonlinear_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2016-01-15 09:36 UTC autorstwa admin
Nonlinear Seminars in 2011
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2011: <journal 999 "^2011-\d\d-\d\d_Nonlinear_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2016-01-15 09:36 UTC autorstwa admin
Nonlinear Seminars in 2012
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2012: <journal 999 "^2012-\d\d-\d\d_Nonlinear_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2016-01-15 09:35 UTC autorstwa admin
Nonlinear Seminars in 2013
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2013: <journal 999 "^2013-\d\d-\d\d_Nonlinear_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2016-01-15 09:33 UTC autorstwa admin
Nonlinear Seminars in 2014
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2014: <journal 999 "^2014-\d\d-\d\d_Nonlinear_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2016-01-15 09:34 UTC autorstwa admin
Nonlinear Seminars in 2015
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2015: <journal 999 "^2015-\d\d-\d\d_Nonlinear_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2016-01-15 09:34 UTC autorstwa admin
Optimization and Control Theory Department
Welcome to the home page of the **Optimization and Control Theory Department** of the [http://web.wmi.amu.edu.pl . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-11-03 12:51 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
The seminar of the OCTD takes place at **8:30** in room **B3-38**, in the Faculty building at **ul. Umultowska . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2012-11-13 12:13 UTC autorstwa JS
Within the Department, two seminars are regularly held. * [[Seminar|Seminar of the Department]] * [[Nonlinear . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2015-06-16 07:48 UTC autorstwa Marcin Borkowski
Seminars in 2006
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2006: <journal 999 "^2006-\d\d-\d\d_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-12-21 18:00 UTC autorstwa pio
Seminars in 2007
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2007: <journal 999 "^2007-\d\d-\d\d_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-12-21 18:00 UTC autorstwa pio
Seminars in 2008
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2008: <journal 999 "^2008-\d\d-\d\d_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-12-21 17:59 UTC autorstwa pio
Seminars in 2009
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2009: <journal 999 "^2009-\d\d-\d\d_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-12-21 17:57 UTC autorstwa pio
Seminars in 2010
Here are the titles and abstracts of the seminars which were held in 2010: <journal 999 "^2010-\d\d-\d\d_Seminar$"> . . .
1K - ostatnio zmieniane 2010-12-21 17:57 UTC autorstwa pio
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