Strona domowa Ludzie Seminaria English

Zbiór stron dla ^2014-05-\d\d News$

2014-05-10 News

From 10.05.2014 to 17.05.2014, prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski visited University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy, where he delivered a mini-course for students entitled On a certain method of solving systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients, conducted research and gave a lecture entitled Nonlinear operators in the spaces of functions of bounded variation in the sense of Jordan. The visit was financed under the Erasmus programme.

2014-05-16 News

On 16.05.2014 prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski took part in the conference Mini Corsi di Analisi Variazionale organized by Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria.

On the same day, dr Piotr Kasprzak visited Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, where he delivered a lecture entitled On functions of bounded variation.

EdytujBliskieLinki: Piotr Kasprzak Dariusz Bugajewski