Strona domowa Ludzie Seminaria English

Wyświetlana wersja 26

Piotr Kasprzak - Curriculum Vitae

Scientic interests

  1. Fixed point theory
  2. Functions of bounded variation and their generalizations
  3. Almost periodic and almost automorphic functions and their generalizations
  4. Nonlinear di erential and integral equations
  5. Operator theory (nonautonomous superposition operators, mappings of higher order, convolution operators)


Ph.D. in mathematics:

Thesis: Fixed point theorems for certain classes of nonlinear operators and their applications (in Polish)
Advisor: prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski
Date: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland - 25.05.2012

MSc in mathematics:

Specialization: pure mathematics
MSc. thesis: Existence, uniqueness and construction of approximate solutions to ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces (in Polish)
Advisor: prof. dr hab. Ryszard Urbański
Graduation date: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland - 16.05.2012

Academic Positions

  1. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland – 1.10.2012 - present.


  1. Scientific Grant WMI UAM GN – 02/2012 - 1.01.2012 - 1.01.2013
  2. Teaching Grant WMI UAM

Awards and Prizes

  1. Conference Scholarship – Foundation for Polish Science (2011)
  2. Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation Scholarship (2011)
  3. Medal of Adam Mickiewicz University (2008)


  1. African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics
  2. Afrika Matematika
  3. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica
  4. Central European Journal of Mathematics
  5. Commentationes Mathematicae
  6. Communications in Mathematical Analysis
  7. Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis
  8. Computers & Mathematics with Applications
  9. Electronic Journal of Di erential Equations
  10. Fixed Point Theory and Applications
  11. Fractional Dynamic Systems
  12. Mathematica Slovaca
  13. Opuscula Mathematica
  14. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, May 22-26, 2008, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  15. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis

Other activities

  1. Secretary of the President of the Poznan Branch of the Polish Mathematical Society.
  2. Member of Education Quality Council - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science AMU - 1.10.2013 – present.
  3. Co-organizer of MKM UAM - 1.11.2008 – present.
  4. Ph.D. Students Representative to Faculty Council – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science AMU - 23.06.2009 - 1.04.2012.
  5. Vice Chairman of the Ph.D. Student Council - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science AMU - 3.11.2008 – 2.11.2009.
  6. Member of KNM kMath - 01.10.2005 – 16.05.2008.
  7. Chairman of KNM kMath - 1.10.2005 – 31.09.2006.

Courses taught at AMU

EdytujBliskieLinki: Ryszard Urbański Dariusz Bugajewski