Strona domowa Ludzie Seminaria English

Wyświetlana wersja 16


Here are the news about the Department:

2015-10-20 News

This year two books authored or coauthored by dr Marcin Borkowski were publushed. In June, a textbook on LaTeX entitled LaTeX – a cookbook (in Polish, unrelated to other similarly entitled book), coauthored by mgr Bartłomiej Przybylski, was published by the Polish Mathematical Society. The book is available electronically under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.

In September, the Juliusz P. Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies in Toruń published a book entitled Theory of Hyperconvex Metric Spaces – a Beginner's Guide, also by Marcin Borkowski. The book is part of the Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis series.

2015-10-02 News

From 29 September to 2 October 2015 dr Daria Bugajewska visited the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

She delivered a lecture entitled On nonlinear operators in the spaces of functions of bounded variations.

2015-09-27 News

From 14 to 18 September 2015 prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski, dr Marcin Borkowski, dr Piotr Kasprzak and mgr Jędrzej Sadowski took part in the VII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis conference in Toruń, Poland.

Prof. Dariusz Bugajewski delivered a talk entitled On some classes of almost periodic functions.

Dr Marcin Borkowski delivered a talk entitled On certain properties of diversities.

Dr Piotr Kasprzak delivered a talk entitled Nonlinear superposition operators in $$ BV $$-spaces.

Mgr Jędrzej Sadowski delivered a talk entitled Nonautonomous superposition operators in the spaces of functions of Lambda bounded variation.

2015-09-26 News

From 14 to 17 July 2015 dr Piotr Kasprzak and mgr Adam Nawrocki took part in the International Conference on Nonlinear Operators, Differential Equations and Applications, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Dr Piotr Kasprzak delivered a lecture entitled On integrate-and-fire models with almost periodic forcing term.

Mgr Adam Nawrocki delivered a lecture entitled On Levitan almost periodic functions with applications to differential equations.

2015-09-25 News

From 23 to 26 June 2015 prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski took part in the 30th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, Galway, Ireland.

2015-05-25 News

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski and dr Piotr Kasprzak took part in the conference Between Theory and Applications: Mathematics in Action, May 25-30, 2015, Będlewo, Poland organized by Center for Applications of Mathematics

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski chaired a session on almost periodicity and delivered a talk entitled On certain classes of (not necessarily bounded) almost periodic functions.

Dr Piotr Kasprzak delivered a talk entitled Almost periodicity in integrate-and-fire models.

2014-09-22 News

Dr Piotr Kasprzak was chosen to be Managing Editor at the Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications.


2014-09-21 News

From September 17 to September 20 2014 prof. Ryszard Urbański, prof. Dariusz Bugajewski, dr hab. Jerzy Grzybowski, dr Marcin Borkowski dr Daria Bugajewska, dr Piotr Kasprzak, dr Hubert Przybycień, mgr. Adam Nawrocki and mgr. Jędrzej Sadowski participated in the DMV-PTM joint meeting, UAM, Poznań.

2014-08-30 News

From August 25 to August 30 2014, prof. Dariusz Bugajewski, dr. Daria Bugajewska and dr. Piotr Kasprzak participated in the Między teorią a zastosowaniami – matematyka w działaniu conference, Będlewo, Poland.

Prof. Dariusz Bugajewski delivered a talk entitled Functions of bounded variation and their applications.

Dr. Daria Bugajewska delivered a talk entitled On some generalizations of variation in the sense of Jordan.

Dr. Piotr Kasprzak delivered a talk entitled Some physical applications of functions of bounded variation.

2014-07-31 News

From July 23 to July 26, 2014, Dariusz Bugajewski participated at the 29th Summer Conference on Topology and its Appliations, College of Staten Island, City University of New York, USA. He delivered a talk entitled On formal power series and formal Laurent series.

From July 27 to July 31, 2014, Dariusz Bugajewski visited Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA, where he did research and delivered a lecture Nonlinear operators in the spaces of functions of bounded variation in the sense of Jordan.

2014-07-13 News

From 7 to 13 July 2014 dr Daria Bugajewska and mgr Adam Nawrocki took part in the XXXVIII. Summer Symposium in Real Analysis, Prague, Czech Republic.

Dr Daria Bugajewska delivered a lecture entitled On lower bounded $$ \Lambda $$-variation and its applications.

Mgr Adam Nawrocki delivered a lecture entitled On some classes of generalized almost periodic functions.

2014-07-07 News

From 7 to 11 July 2014 dr Piotr Kasprzak took part in The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, Spain.

Dr Piotr Kasprzak delivered a lecture entitled On certain classes of (not necessarily bounded) almost periodic functions with applications.

2014-06-02 News

From 2.06.2014 to 3.06.2014 prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski, dr Piotr Kasprzak and mgr Adam Nawrocki visited Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Mgr Adam Nawrocki delivered a lecture entitled On the asymptotic behaviour of certain functions almost periodic in the Lebesgue measure.

Dr Piotr Kasprzak delivered a lecture entitled On functions of bounded variation.

2014-05-16 News

On 16.05.2014 prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski took part in the conference Mini Corsi di Analisi Variazionale organized by Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria.

On the same day, dr Piotr Kasprzak visited Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, where he delivered a lecture entitled On functions of bounded variation.

2014-05-10 News

From 10.05.2014 to 17.05.2014, prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski visited University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy, where he delivered a mini-course for students entitled On a certain method of solving systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients, conducted research and gave a lecture entitled Nonlinear operators in the spaces of functions of bounded variation in the sense of Jordan. The visit was financed under the Erasmus programme.

2014-01-07 News

On the 26th of November 2013 the General Assembly of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Mathematical Society elected new authorities. Prof. UAM Dariusz Bugajewski was chosen president and dr Piotr Kasprzak was chosen the president's secretary. Congratulations!

2013-11-02 News

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski and mgr Adam Nawrocki took part in the Analysis and Topology Conference, organised on the occasion of the 80th birthday of prof. Kazimierz Gęba, 2-6 September, Gdynia, Poland.

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski delivered a lecture entitled "Nonlinear superposition operators in the space of functions of bounded variation in the sense of Jordan".

Mgr Adam Nawrocki delivered a lecture entitled "On some properties of $$ \mu $$-almost periodic functions".

2013-11-01 News

Dr Daria Bugajewska and dr Piotr Kasprzak took part in the Conference on Non-integer Order Calculus, 3-5 July 2013, Cracow, Poland.

2013-10-31 News

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Urbański, dr hab. Jerzy Grzybowski and dr Hubert Przybycień took part in the Dynamical Systems: Stability, Control and Optimization DSSCO'13 conference, organised by The Belarusian State University and the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in Mińsk, Belarus.

2013-10-28 News

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski and dr Piotr Kasprzak took part in Symposium in Real Analysis XXXVII, 3-6 June 2013, Sao Carlos, Brazil.

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski delivered a short talk entitled Nonlinear operators in the space of functions of bounded variation in the sense of Jordan.

Dr Piotr Kasprzak delivered a short talk entitled On some generalization of the classical concept ofbounded variation with applications.

2013-10-27 News

We proudly inform that a new seminar was launched on 25.10.2013. The Department Seminar on Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications "SONATA" aims to provide a forum for scientific debate on a broad range of issues in the field of nonlinear analysis and its applications.
All interested are cordially welcome!

2012-07-18 News

Dr Piotr Kasprzak took part in The 10th International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications, July 9-15, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He delivered a short talk entitled On Leggett-Williams type theorems for nonlinear operators defined in cones with applications to nonlinear equations.

2012-04-10 News

From 10.04.2012 to 18.04.2012 prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski visited Morgan State University in Baltimore, USA, where he delivered a lecture entitled "On Lovelady and Leggett-Williams type fixed-point theorems with applications to nonlinear equations" and conducted research in collaboration with Dr. Xiao-Xiong Gan.

New news

EdytujBliskieLinki: Ryszard Urbański Jędrzej Sadowski Adam Nawrocki Daria Bugajewska Jerzy Grzybowski Hubert Przybycień Marcin Borkowski Piotr Kasprzak Dariusz Bugajewski