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News in 2008

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2008-10-16 News

During the 11th Science and Art Festival 2008 held at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science AMU Jerzy Grzybowski presented an animation entitled Tessellation of the Euclidean plane and space and Marcin Borkowski presented the TeX typesetting system.

2008-05-19 News

Mgr Marcin Borkowski and Piotr Kasprzak from 2008-05-09 to 2008-05-17 will stay in Baltimore, USA and will take part in "The 6th International Conference On Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems".

Mgr Marcin Borkowski will hold the lecture entitled "Krasnoselskii type theorems for hyperconvex metric spaces".

Piotr Kasprzak will hold the lecture entitled "On new fixed point theorems in topological spaces".

2008-05-09 News

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Urbański and dr Jerzy Grzybowski from 2008-05-09 to 2008-05-17 will stay on Sicily and will take part in International School of Mathematics ,,Guido Stampacchia" 48th Workshop Nonsmooth Analysis, Optimalization and Applications, which are orgaznized by ,,Ettore Majorana" Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture.

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Urbański will hold the lecture entitled "Extreme points of lattice intervals in the Minkowski-Rådström-Hörmander lattice".

Dr Jerzy Grzybowski will hold the lecture entitled "Dual space to the Minkowski-Rådström-Hörmander space over $$ \mathbb{R}^{2} $$".

2008-03-10 News

On Monday the 10th of March, at 10.00 at V LO in Poznan, during the Science Festival, dr Jerzy Grzybowski will give a lecture entitled

Addition, subtraction and cancelling of convex sets.

2008-02-22 News

On Friday 22, 2008, at 10.00, at the Physics Faculty of the AMU, prof. Ryszard Urbański and dr Jerzy Grzybowski delivered a talk entitled

Application of the Minkowski-Rådström-Hörmander space to description of crystal growth.

EdytujBliskieLinki: Ryszard Urbański Jerzy Grzybowski Piotr Kasprzak Marcin Borkowski