Strona domowa Ludzie Seminaria English

2013-11-02 News

Ostatnia edycja


< Prof. UAM dr hab. [[Dariusz Bugajewski]] and mgr [[Adam Nawrocki]] took part in the Analysis and Topology Conference, organised on the occasion of the 80th birthday of prof. Kazimierz Gleba, 2-6 September, Gdynia, Poland.
< Prof. UAM dr hab. [[Dariusz Bugajewski]] delivered a lecture entitled "Klasyczne operatory nieliniowe w przestrzeniach funkcji o ograniczonej wariacji w sensie Jordana".
< Mgr [[Adam Nawrocki]] delivered a lecture entitled "O pewnych własnosciach funkcji $$\mu$$-prawie okresowych"


> Prof. UAM dr hab. [[Dariusz Bugajewski]] and mgr [[Adam Nawrocki]] took part in the Analysis and Topology Conference, organised on the occasion of the 80th birthday of prof. Kazimierz Gęba, 2-6 September, Gdynia, Poland.
> Prof. UAM dr hab. [[Dariusz Bugajewski]] delivered a lecture entitled "Nonlinear superposition operators in the space of functions of bounded variation in the sense of Jordan".
> Mgr [[Adam Nawrocki]] delivered a lecture entitled "On some properties of $$\mu$$-almost periodic functions".

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski and mgr Adam Nawrocki took part in the Analysis and Topology Conference, organised on the occasion of the 80th birthday of prof. Kazimierz Gęba, 2-6 September, Gdynia, Poland.

Prof. UAM dr hab. Dariusz Bugajewski delivered a lecture entitled "Nonlinear superposition operators in the space of functions of bounded variation in the sense of Jordan".

Mgr Adam Nawrocki delivered a lecture entitled "On some properties of $$ \mu $$-almost periodic functions".

EdytujBliskieLinki: Adam Nawrocki Dariusz Bugajewski