Ostatnia edycja
< Justyna Singerska
> Justyna Signerska
The seminar will take place at 8:30 in the Faculty Council meeting room (A1-33/34)
Justyna Signerska
Firing map for integrate-and-fire models with an almost periodic drive
Consider the integrate-and-fire system ,
, in which the continuous dynamics is interrupted by the threshold-and-reset behaviour:
, meaning that once the value of a dynamical variable reaches a certain threshold
it is immediately reset to a resting value
and the system evolves again according to the differential equation. The question is to describe the time series of consecutive resets (spikes)
as iterations
of some map
, called the firing map, and the sequence of interspike-intervals
as a sequence of displacements
along a trajectory of this map. The problem appears in various applications, e.g. in modelling of an action potential (spiking) by a neuron.
However, so far properties of the firing map were analytically investigated only for the function , which is smooth enough and often also periodic in
. We present a complete description of the properties of the firing map arising from the most popular models:
(Leaky Integrate-and-Fire) and
(Perfect Integrator), when the function
is only locally integrable and/or almost periodic. In particular, we prove that a Stepanov almost periodic function
induces the firing map
with the uniformly (Bohr) almost periodic displacement
. In this way we provide a formal framework for next studying of the interspike-intervals in almost-periodically driven integrate-and-fire models.