Ostatnia edycja
< Jędrzej Sadowski
< **Definitions of the N-almost periodic functions**
< (Continuation of the [[2011-12-20 Nonlinear Seminar]] and [[2012-01-03 Nonlinear Seminar]]).
> [[Daria Bugajewska]]
> **On differential and inetgral equations in the spaces of functions of Lambda-bounded variation.**
> We are going to consider linear differential and nonlinear integral equations in the
> spaces of functions of Lambda-bounded variation. We will state the existence and the existence and uniqueness results in this space as well as in its subspace consisting of contninuous functions of Lambda-bounded variation.
Daria Bugajewska
On differential and inetgral equations in the spaces of functions of Lambda-bounded variation.
We are going to consider linear differential and nonlinear integral equations in the
spaces of functions of Lambda-bounded variation. We will state the existence and the existence and uniqueness results in this space as well as in its subspace consisting of contninuous functions of Lambda-bounded variation.