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< In the beginning we will present basic definitions concerning formal power series and their properties. Then we will discuss two theorems on superposition of such series. The talk is based on a paper //On composition od formal power series// by Xiao-Xiong Gan and Nathaniel Knox.
> In the beginning we will present basic definitions concerning formal power series and their properties. Then we will discuss two theorems on superposition of such series. The talk is based on a paper //On composition of formal power series// by Xiao-Xiong Gan and Nathaniel Knox.
Joanna Wypych
On superposition of formal power series
In the beginning we will present basic definitions concerning formal power series and their properties. Then we will discuss two theorems on superposition of such series. The talk is based on a paper On composition of formal power series by Xiao-Xiong Gan and Nathaniel Knox.