Xiao-Xiong Gan
(Mathematics Department, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA)
Just-In-Time Transportation Problem and Its Algorithm
Just-In-Time (JIT) philosophy or management was originally introduced by Toyota Automobiles. JIT management considers that the storage is a waste and hence eliminating storage equals eliminating the waste.
This presentation introduces the JIT-Transportation problem, which requires that all demanded good be shipped to their destination on schedule, at the zero or minimal destination-storage cost. The JIT-Transportation problem is a special goal programming problem with discrete constraints. We provide a mathematical model for such transport problem and introduce the JIT solution, the deviation solution, the JIT deviation, etc. By introducing the -problem we establish the equivalence between the optimal solution of
-problem and the optimal solutions of JIT-Transportation problem, and then provide an algorithm for the JIT-Transportation problems. This algorithm is proven mathematically and is also illustrated by an example.
The lecture will be held in English